Coachella Valley coronavirus news and info | Saturday, 3/28

(?: Eduardo L Cruz)

Cactus Hugs has been tracking local stories about the coronavirus.   For a rundown of all of our updates, click here.

  • As of 3:30 pm Friday, Riverside County officials have confirmed 185 people have tested positive for COVID-19. There have been 8 reported deaths in the county.
  • As of 8 am Saturday, San Bernardino County has confirmed 64 cases of COVID-19.  There has been 3 deaths in San Bernardino County.
  • Some forecasts predict that some U.S. cities could have coronavirus outbreaks worse than Wuhan’s.

  • While service sector jobs were the first to get cut during the pandemic, layoffs are now happening to those in professional, administrative, tech, and other white collar positions.
  • The $1,200 stimulus check won’t cover housing costs for many Coachella Valley residents.
  • Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an order banning the eviction of renters who are affected by COVID-19. The order will last through May. In addition to prohibiting landlords from evicting tenants for missing rent payment, it also requires tenants to declare in writing that they cannot pay their rent due to COVID-19 within seven days of rent being due.
  • California’s huge mansions are still under construction.
  • A Los Angeles man caught an Amazon delivery person spitting on his package.  The man now wants Amazon to get the delivery person tested for COVID-19.  He says that Amazon apologized and gave him a $50 gift card.
  • While delivery workers are working to keep you home and safe, they say no one is putting in protections to keep them safe.
  • After the LA County Sheriff closed the guns stores, business in Riverside has been booming:

  • Palm Springs Mayor Geoff Kors did a Q&A with the Uken Report, among the topics discussed was how the city will recover once people are allowed to travel again.  “The other piece to add is as a tourism-based economy, where we have to focus is, as the virus and quarantines come to an end doing everything possible to bring people back here when it’s safe,” said he Mayor. “Whether it’s more events, more promotion, more ads to really try and add more of a summer season. If all works out, we’re done with this before the summer starts. We already know we’re going to have a lot more events in the fall, with Coachella and Stagecoach, and other events moving into October and later. All we can do is to help really promote Palm Springs as the wonderful tourist destination it is when we’re reopened.”
  • California’s Travel Centers are adapting to the pandemic by doing things like closing all dining rooms and using a fresh cup on all drink refills.
  • Some of the Coachella Valley’s museums are going virtual these days.
  • Coachella Valley School districts are developing tentative plans for the academic year.
  • This is what the Las Vegas Strip looks like these days:

  • The Galilee Center is distributing food to twice as many people as just a few weeks ago.  “We usually give about 250-300, but now we’re up to 550…maybe 600 by next week,” Gloria Gomez, founder of the Galilee Center told KESQ.  Details on donating to the organization can be found here.

550 food baskets were given yesterday to the Eastern Coachella residents for families in need. Thank you to our…

Posted by Galilee Center on Friday, March 27, 2020

  • Cork & Fork in La Quinta is offering up a special Family Meal package all weekend for take-out:

  • Meanwhile, their sister restaurant Tu Madres in Indio, has a pretty delicious looking Fiesta Meal pack and, hey, margaritas!:

  • That’s all for this morning.  As always, thank you for your support of Cactus Hugs.  Take care of yourself, your family, and your neighbors.

Important information:

    • These are scary and anxious times.  Be safe and kind to each other out there and, please, remember to wash your hands.
    • Anything we missed? Let us know about it.