Home Uncategorized The Coachella Valley’s Most Popular Fast Food Burger Joint is Who?

The Coachella Valley’s Most Popular Fast Food Burger Joint is Who?

The Coachella Valley’s Most Popular Fast Food Burger Joint is Who?
By: <a href='https://www.flickr.com/photos/robertbanh/3245670136/' target='_blank'>Robert Banh</a>
By: Robert Banh

The Coachella Valley has many choices of delicious fast food burger joints to choose from…Five Guys, In-N-Out, and the new Habit Burger to name a few.

But when the website Thrillist went through over 20 million check-ins on Foursquare, the location-based application that people use to check-in and leave tips for others, they found the number one burger joint in Riverside County to be Carls Jr.

Now I am not saying Carls Jr. is terrible, in fact it can be pretty tasty.  But the best?  Of course, just using Foursquare check-ins certainly is not the most scientific way to determine the most popular burger –  but, the following map of the United States is pretty interesting as it shows the various regional strongholds of different fast food empires.


Whataburger is huge in Texas, Krystal is a hit in the south, and everyone in Nevada loves themselves some In-N-Out.  Meanwhile, outside of a few random counties, McDonald’s did not fare very well.  But then who wants to tell the world via Foursquare check-in that they are eating at McDonald’s?