Home California Southern California Cocaine found inside toys dispensed from 25-cent vending machine

Cocaine found inside toys dispensed from 25-cent vending machine

Cocaine found inside toys dispensed from 25-cent vending machine
(ABC 7)

Police seized a toy vending machine from a Bell Gardens taco shop after some of the toys were found to contain cocaine.

After white powder came out of a toy purchased for her son from the machine, a mother called police, reports ABC 7. Police investigated and determined it was cocaine.

While her son was playing with the putty ball toy, it ruptured and a white powdery substance came out,” Bell Gardens police Detective Miguel Torres told Fox 11.

Authorities seized 17 toys from the vending machine at Taqueria Los Altos and recovered 136 grams, or 4.8 ounces, of drugs.

The boy did not ingest any of the cocaine and is ok, according to police.

The machine is operated by a company called Snack Time Vending, who police have not been able to contact.