Come on!!! Now People are Stealing Misting Systems in Palm Springs!?!


Summer time in the Desert can suuuuuck (see here) – but one of the few ways that us year-rounders (and those cheap brave enough to vacation in the summer) are able to find some comfort is in misting systems…well at least until the drought shamers kill that for us too.

That is why it came as quite a shock to find out some asshole(s) stole misting systems from two restaurants in Palm Springs over the weekend: Alicante & Greek Islands Restaurant.

Dimitrios Maras, owner of Greek Islands Restaurant told The Desert Sun he found the entire misting system gone on Sunday after he got back from vacation.  More from The Desert Sun:

‘They took everything,” Maras said. “The hoses, everything. I have an alarm inside but I can’t control the outside.”

Fernando Tapia, a maintenance worker at Greek Islands, said the pump at the eatery weighed between seven and 10 pounds.

The pump’s pistons are made out of brass and some parts have cooper, he said.

Must have taken several hours for the pumps and hoses to be removed, said Sara Mara, co-owner at Greek Islands Restaurant.

The restaurants plan on replacing the misters at a cost of several thousand dollars.

It is bad enough that now every piece of exposed copper wire in town has to be fenced and guarded at all times, but now some asshole wants to take away one of the only ways a Palm Springs summer is made remotely tolerable?  I feel terrible for these two restaurant owners and if, by some odd chance, the misting system thief douchebag happens to come across this article – just know this: