Palm Springs tied the all-time daily heat record for the second day in a row on Wednesday.
The high of 117 degrees was not only scorching, it was just a few degrees short off the all-time high.
At 135 PM, Palm Springs recorded a temp of 117F which ties the old record set in 1940. #cawx
— NWS San Diego (@NWSSanDiego) June 12, 2019
Meanwhile, it was even hotter in Thermal, who actually broke the daily heat record:
Excessive Heat Indeed!
The Coachella Valley experienced the hottest day of the year (so far) with record-setting midday high temperatures today. According to the National Weather Service both Palm Springs and Thermal posted new record digits.
More tonight on @NBCPalmSprings!— Jerry Steffen (@JerrySteffen) June 12, 2019
I would make a joke about how this probably means that August is going to be 160 degrees, but I won’t because I think that might happen.