Could Zelda’s nightclub actually reopen?

After being forced to close down by the city and being offered up for sale, it is at least theoretically possible that Zelda’s Nightclub could reopen again in Palm Springs, .

The city of Palm Springs had suspended the longtime nightclub’s conditional use permit for at least 45 day and will now hold a public hearing on Wednesday to consider whether the permit should be completely revoked or modified after the nightclub reached out to the city three weeks ago with an interest in reopening.

“I know we went through this once before, and I’m very surprised that they are thinking about reopening,” Mayor Buzzkill told KESQ. “But I’m always open to listening to any request from a business to the city, but personally I’m not a fan and I’m somewhat skeptical.”

The Department of Planning Services has a 235 page (!) report concerning Zelda’s permit – in which it suggests changes such as daily checks of surveillance cameras, notifying the city if large crowds are expected at events, and additional security.

Meanwhile, the nightclub is still listed for sale for just under $700,000.