It seems overpriced rides and deep fried Twinkies were just too much of an aphrodisiac for a couple who were arrested after being busted getting it on at the Wisconsin State Fair.
Fair-goers spotted the man and woman doing their thing in a concession seating area and did what people do these days: they whipped out their phones and recored it. The couple did not seem to mind being watched – with the man waving to the camera at one point in the video.
The videos were posted to Facebook and YouTube, but were quickly removed. The couple, Desiree Anderson and Robert Beasley, face charges of public fornication.
Naturally, those are the fair were not pleased.
I wouldn’t think you’d see something like that here. This is for families — not that!” Dawn Major, fair visitor told the local Fox television station.
“We’re here for a horse how or a dog show – not to make babies,” Morgan Hakenson told WITI.