Home News Dan Ball is still running for congress

Dan Ball is still running for congress

Dan Ball is still running for congress

Dan Ball, a former TV person running for congress, is still, in fact, running for congress, according to The Uken Report.

Ball has been keeping such a low profile lately that some constituents started to question if he was having second thoughts and would pull out of the race.

He has been more visible of late doing commercials for Mo’tus Flotation and Wellness Center and Venus De Fido than on the campaign trail.

“Nope, no second thoughts,” Ball told Uken Report. “Just busy working to provide for my family. I’m not a millionaire like some candidates.”

A reminder, Congressman Raul Ruiz, who Ball is running to replace, can’t even afford power windows.

Uken notes that a “Nomination Signature Party” was held Wednesday, so enough signatures could be gathered to qualify Ball for the June Ballot by today’s deadline – and as well all know, there ain’t no party like a nomination signature party, cuz a nomination signature party don’t stop…until there are exactly 2,000 signatures.