Home Desert Life Desert Hot Springs Desert Hot Springs will be part of Desert X in 2019

Desert Hot Springs will be part of Desert X in 2019

Desert Hot Springs will be part of Desert X in 2019

Round Two of Desert X is coming to the Coachella Valley in 2019 and Desert Hot Springs will play host to part of it.

The DHS city council approved a $25,000 sponsorship deal for Desert X this week, according to KESQ. They will join Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, and Coachella, who have also committed to being a part of the event.

The TV station notes that the installations will include an iridescent palm tree installation at Two Bunch Palms Resort. There will also be “some type of interactive structure and vibrantly painted pool” at an empty lot owned by Sagewater Spa.

Organizers of Desert X say that the 2017 experience drew 200,000 visitors to town – which seems like a high number of people to come out just for Desert X. But, anyone who visited the Mirror House in Palm Springs from March on knows that the place was usually packed af, so it was pretty damn popular – even if a rover did get lost just a couple of days in.

Desert X 2019 is set to run February 9 to April 21.

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