Home Local Desert Hot Springs DHS Church Claims Planned Pot Shop Will Ruin All of the Children

DHS Church Claims Planned Pot Shop Will Ruin All of the Children

DHS Church Claims Planned Pot Shop Will Ruin All of the Children
By: Blind Nomad
By: Blind Nomad

Uh oh. A marijuana dispensary wants to open in Desert Hot Springs and we all know what that means? All of the children will all be ruined forever!

At least that is what one what group of protestors would have you believe.

Members of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church are urging Brown Dog Health and Wellness to choose a new spot to set up shop in DHS. The dispensary, one of two granted a city permit, is less than a block from where the church is.

As The Desert Sun reports, church members are concerned for the children. The children dammit!!!

Church member Tery Sanchez said hundreds of students attend after-school program at the church.

“The youth and the kids there, they’re trying to get an education,” Sanchez told council members. If the students see a marijuana dispensary in the neighborhood, she said, “then it’s hard to explain to the kids, ‘Don’t do that.'”

And, as seen in this Google Map, Brown Dog’s location is just too close for kids – being across the street and the next block over…

Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 3.26.08 PM

The city’s Attorney Steve Quintanilla said that under state law, dispensaries cannot open within 600 feet of K-12 schools and that the church is not a school (even though it does offer some after school programs for kids).

The church also wants the City Council to pass an ordinance blocking dispensaries from opening within 1,000 feet of schools, churches, parks and other places children gather (What are they? food trucks? And do kids gather anywhere other than a XBox 360 anymore?).

The owner of Brown Dog says he is not interested in finding another location and hopes to see the dispensary open by late March or early April.