Home Festivals Stagecoach Did You Take This Man’s Stagecoach Shuttle Bus?

Did You Take This Man’s Stagecoach Shuttle Bus?


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Did you happen to accidentally drive a Stagecoach Shuttle home Sunday night instead of your 1991 Corolla? If so, the driver would like you to bring it back.

KESQ caught up with the unnamed driver from Chatsworth who was staying at the Red Roof Inn in Thousand Palms. He had parked his bus in front of United Van Lines on (in his words) “Varmer and Raymond”, but when he came out – the bus was gone!

The bus was a 93 MCI (for all of you bus aficionados). It was described as white with silver chrome and has a destination sign that says “America”.

If you happen to have it, see it, or are presently being shuttled somewhere on it – please call the cops.