Home Festivals Coachella Drake Claims it Was Just Madonna’s Nasty Lipstick That Grossed Him Out

Drake Claims it Was Just Madonna’s Nasty Lipstick That Grossed Him Out

Drake Claims it Was Just Madonna’s Nasty Lipstick That Grossed Him Out

Madonna Drake

Coachella Weekend 1 ended in a weird way Sunday night when surprise guest of Drake, Madonna, planted a big ‘ol wet one on the performer. Drake’s reaction was not a good one.

Well, it turns out that Drake was just grossed out by Madonna’s lipstick or something, according to TMZ:

Sources close to Drake tell TMZ … he loved the kiss. As for whether the kiss was prearranged, Drake says it wasn’t … the plan was for Madonna to dance around him while he sat in the chair.

Drake says he was not banking on a transfer of the glossy stuff and that’s why he blanched.

Ahhhh, of course!  It was just the lipstick.  Thankfully, Madonna has a week to change to a more suitable flavor by weekend 2.