Home National Politics Congressman Duncan Hunter used campaign credit card for lots of Jack in the Box

Congressman Duncan Hunter used campaign credit card for lots of Jack in the Box

Congressman Duncan Hunter used campaign credit card for lots of Jack in the Box

vape hunter

California’s “Vaping Congressman” Duncan Hunter has had a, let’s say, dark cloud around some of his campaign charges this year. The campaign credit card – which was already revealed to have racked up a huge amount of video game charges – was also used on gas, groceries, fast food, and even at Disneyland.

The San Diego Union Tribune looked into the congressman’s expenses and found:

There were 106 fill-ups at gas stations, totaling $5,660. There were 16 trips to Jack in the Box totaling $297.

Forty times, Hunter’s campaign made a trip to Albertson’s, Trader Joe’s or another grocery store, spending $6,819 total. The only other local member who spent campaign money at grocery stores was Susan Davis, D-San Diego, who made seven disbursements totaling $675.

The campaign also spent money at Disneyland — $229 at the Star Trader gift shop in Tomorrowland for “food/beverages.” A spokesman for the park told the Union-Tribune the only edible items the store sells are Pez candy and a Star Wars-themed Rice Krispy treat.

Those charges are in addition to the previously discovered private school tuition for his kid, a garage door, and some sort of oral surgery paid for by the campaign.

As the Tribune notes, campaign funds may only be used “to pay for meals during face-to-face fundraising events. By contrast, a candidate may not use campaign funds to take his or her family out to dinner.”

So clearly, Hunter must be hosting campaign fundraisers in Disney gift shops, Trader Joe’s aisles, and drive-thrus.

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