Home Technology Facebook Your Facebook Posts May Soon Self Destruct

Your Facebook Posts May Soon Self Destruct


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[/media-credit] A “self-destruct” feature is being tested by Facebook

Remember 3 years ago, when you just could not wait to go on Facebook to let everyone know how glad you were to have Ray Rice on your fantasy football team? No, of course you don’t. You barely remember what you posted 5 minutes ago.

You will be probably be reminded of this (now awful) post when one of your dickish friends goes through your old statuses this week and comments to show the world what an ass you are.

But those days may soon be done.

Facebook is running a trial version a new feature that lets you schedule a “self destruct date” for your posts. TNW reports:

A handful of users noticed the feature in the Facebook iOS app earlier this week, and we reached out to Facebook to seek clarification. A spokesperson said:

“We’re running a small pilot of a feature on Facebook for iOS that lets people schedule deletion of their posts in advance.”

Based on reports and screenshots, Facebook users can have their posts delete anywhere from an hour to 7 days in the future.