Home Food Would you be down for some Flamin’ Hot Cheetos turkey?

Would you be down for some Flamin’ Hot Cheetos turkey?

Would you be down for some Flamin’ Hot Cheetos turkey?

The Internet went crazy Friday with a recipe (below) from Reynolds Kitchens for a Flamin’ Hot Cheetos turkey – you know, just like the one served at the very first Thanksgiving.  While we now know that this recipe exists, the question becomes: should it?

On the pro-Flamin’ Hot Cheetos turkey side would be the look of surprise / horror on your family and friends’ faces when you put the monstrosity of a main course down at the center of the table at dinner time.  Reynolds Kitchen says you can also make the recipe with Cool Ranch Doritos or Funyuns or, better yet, why not all of them.  Move over turducken, here comes CheeDorYunKey.  How Ina Garten hasn’t made this for Jeffrey yet, I don’t know.

As for the anit-Flamin’ Hot CHeetos turkey movement, well, it just looks gross as fuck.  That’s really the only argument you need.

What do you think?  Would you serve it?  Eat it?  Kill it?  Let’s discuss in comments.

Here’s the recipe, btw:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Place hot puffed cheese sticks in a food processor and process until fully crushed. You can also add to a zip top bag and roll with a rolling pin until sticks are completely crushed.

Brush oil or butter on turkey and coat with the crushed chips. (Beware of Cheetos stains!)

Add 1 tsp of flour to the Reynolds® Oven Bag and place in a large roasting pan that is at least 2 inches deep.

Carefully slide turkey into the oven bag, making sure the opening of the bag is facing the end of the roasting pan, and not facing up. The bag should be inside the pan, not hanging over the edges of the pan.

Close oven bag with the included nylon tie, and cut six 1/2 inch slits in the top of the bag
When your turkey reaches an internal temperature of 180°F in thickest part of the thigh, not touching the bone, remove from oven and let stand in oven bag for another 15 minutes. Cut open the top of the bag and carefully remove turkey from the bag, and place onto a cutting board. Lifting works well by inserting one carving fork into each end of the turkey.

In the end you’ll have a bright red bird ready to pair with all of your classic Thanksgiving fixings and a fiery stain on your tongue.