Home Entertainment Rants Flying is already bad enough, so please, STFU about politics on airplanes

Flying is already bad enough, so please, STFU about politics on airplanes

Flying is already bad enough, so please, STFU about politics on airplanes


Hopping on a plane sometime soon? Be prepared to be gouged with fees by the airlines, spend hours in security lines, and hope there are no delays.. And, even if all goes well and you finally reach your plane, you then get the pleasure of sitting in an uncomfortable chair for several hours – which you spend praying that the dude coughing in the row in back of you isn’t carrying the next deadly super virus. So, with as bad as traveling is, maybe everyone can do a favor for other travelers and shut the hell up about politics?

You have probably heard by now of the asshat who chanted about “Hillary Bitches” while praising Trump on a Delta plane over the weekend…

Nobody has time for that shit, no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on. Which is why Delta did the right thing and banned this dude for life from its flights.

And while that is the extreme, even just bringing up politics at all with your fellow passengers is annoying. Do these loudmouths not see that all you want to do is read a book, watch a movie, wait patiently for the drink cart, or take a damn nap?  You would think that your headphones, neck pillow, and sleep mask would be a good hint, but no.  Not for them.

I would rather have a screaming baby, an armrest hog, or a snorer next to me than someone who wants to school me with their hot take on healthcare, the Middle East, or the Electoral College – so please, assholes: do not talk to me or anyone else about politics on a plane.

Just be quiet and miserable…like everyone else on the flight.