Home Entertainment WTF “Free Candy” Van Freaks Out California Neighborhood on its Way to Burning Man

“Free Candy” Van Freaks Out California Neighborhood on its Way to Burning Man

“Free Candy” Van Freaks Out California Neighborhood on its Way to Burning Man
(screengrab: CBS Sacramento)
(screengrab: CBS Sacramento)
(screengrab: CBS Sacramento)

Parents in a Sacramento suburb are just a bit concerned that there is a white van with “Free Candy” painted on it cruising through their neighborhood.

The can was spotted by several parents in Natomas and 12-year-old Lawrence Bellow was able to take the above photo when the van cruised by his house.

“It looked too fake to be true, but I didn’t want to get a closer look for sure,” Bellow told CBS Sacramento. “I was kind of nervous about it; I didn’t know what was going on so I just wanted to get evidence in case anything happened.”

Other people in the neighborhood began taking pictures and sharing them on social media as the van drove through neighborhoods and stopped at a local Walmart.  This, of course,  led to a bit of a freakout – that is until CBS Sacramento discovered why the van was painted this way:

It turns out the van belongs to a family friend of Sierra Deblonk, who was on his way to the annual Burning Man festival in Nevada.

“It was a joke,” she said.

Sierra says her family didn’t realize it would cause so much concern.
