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Get 7 Weeks of All You Can Eat Olive Garden Pasta, Salad For $100

Get 7 Weeks of All You Can Eat Olive Garden Pasta, Salad For $100

[media-credit name=”Flickr” align=”aligncenter” width=”300″]13954318583_0ba13c3617_h[/media-credit]The problem with a never-ending restaurant promotion is that it is a lie.  It does end.  Eventually, either your stomach won’t allow you to eat any more or the restaurant closes at the end of the night in order to let the staff go home to their families instead of shoveling more spaghetti down  your gullet.  Well, those days are over.

Monday, Olive Garden will unleash a “Never Ending Pasta Pass”.  For $100, the pass gives you access to  all of the pasta, salad, bread and Coca-Cola branded soft drinks that your gut can handle for 7 weeks.  And yes, you can dine there every day for lunch and dinner if you so desire.

But, as with everything in life, this is not a deal for everyone.  Olive Garden is only selling 1,000 of the “Never Ending” passes because… marketing gimmick.   Jay Spenchian, The Garden’s VP of marketing, told USA Today that it all about buzz:

“What we’re trying to do is get some attention,” says Jay Spenchian, executive vice president of marketing. “It’s sure to provoke a reaction.”

And possibly diabetes.

The passes are up for grabs at noon PT today at Olive Garden’s website.