Home Desert Life Local Media It’s Ginger Jeffries last day on KMIR

It’s Ginger Jeffries last day on KMIR

It’s Ginger Jeffries last day on KMIR

Ginger Jeffries will guess the weather for the last time tonight on KMIR (spoiler: it’s gonna be hot outside). It’s nice that KMIR is letting her say goodbye – as most local media companies just throw people out the door like garbage when they give notice or are fired – and Ginger will be missed by many viewers. It being her last day, it also gives us an excuse to post what might just be the greatest photo ever taken of local media personalities.

Thank you to our main anchor Gino LaMont KMIR for putting up with all my nonsense! 3 days to go…

Posted by Ginger Jeffries on Wednesday, July 26, 2017

And of course, we can never forget this piece of television magic.

Or this.

Anyways, it was nice to have someone on TV with a bit of personality and she will be missed.   Not sure who her replacement will be, but my guess is some dopey white guy who will tell awful dad jokes.

We wish Ginger good luck with whatever the hell she decides to do next – which, let’s be honest, has to be better than working with Gino every night.