Home Entertainment WTF Dying granny accused of shredding $1.1 million to spite her heirs

Dying granny accused of shredding $1.1 million to spite her heirs

Dying granny accused of shredding $1.1 million to spite her heirs


One of the last things that an 85-year-old grandmother did in her life is shred all $1.1 million dollars to her name to make sure that none of her heirs inherited a damn nickel from her.

The unidentified woman – who died in a retirement home – cut up banknotes, cash, and savings book into tiny pieces and left them on her bed for her relatives to find, according to State prosecutor Erich Habitzl.

Or, in other words…

you get nothing gif

Habitzl als said that police will not investigate the incident as a crime.

“The damage of the money in the woman’s property is not a criminal matter, so we have not begun any investigation,” Habitzl told AFP.

The family still may get at least some of the shredded money. Austria’s central bank said it would replace the cash “if the heirs can only find shreds of money and if the origin of the money is assured.” So yeah, good luck with that.

Now go your grandma and tell her you love her.