Home Food Bites Grandma suing KFC for $20 million because her order didn’t look like their ads

Grandma suing KFC for $20 million because her order didn’t look like their ads

Grandma suing KFC for $20 million because her order didn’t look like their ads


A New York woman is suing Kentucky Fried Chicken for 20 million dollars because she claims the buckets of fried chicken they show on tv are, in fact, nothing like the buckets of fried chicken they serve in real life.

Anna Wurtzburger, of Hopewell Junction, bought a $20 bucket from KFC this past summer and was instantly disappointed.

“I came home and said, ‘Where’s the chicken?’ I thought I was going to have a couple of meals,” she told The New York Post.

“They say it feeds the whole family … They’re showing a bucket that’s overflowing with chicken,” the 64-year-old grandmother complained to the newspaper. “You get half a bucket! That’s false advertising, and it doesn’t feed the whole family. They’re small pieces!”

Wurtzburger claims she called KFC’s corporate office and complained, only to be told the commercials show a full bucket of chicken, “so that the public could see the chicken.”

KFC sent her two gift certificates, but she returned them. She also hired a lawyer and filed suit for $20 million.

“If you want the public to look at your chicken, put it in a dish,” Wurtzburger says. “It’s a lot of BS. … I expect to get what you’re telling me.”

KFC told the Post that the lawsuit “meritless.