Home News Greedy Palm Springs Neighborhood Hates Nature & Kids

Greedy Palm Springs Neighborhood Hates Nature & Kids


KMIR News | Palm Springs, California

While many residents of Palm Springs are spending their days acting better than one another in the new sport of drought shaming, some are openly displaying how much they hate the environment and your kids!

A group of neighbors near Raymond Cree Middle School are not happy that the school has installed solar panels – because fuck you, fuck your kids, and fuck mother nature.  They even called the news out to show their disdain for the planet.  And it is all because their precious home equity is at stake.  The neighborhood feels these panels are just too visible and they have gone so far as to form a committee to speak out against the Palm Springs Unified School District and their desire to save part of the earth for future generations.

Group spokesman Jason Costner tells KMIR that it “no longer feels like home” with the solar panels – which are kinda visible if you look closely, maybe with a ladder I guess?  But the residents want them lower damn it!  I mean think about the equity?  Sure the fire department requires the panels to be that high, you know in case their trucks need to put out a fire…at a school!  But if those requirements mean a $5,000 loss in home value for these entitled folks, I guess those kids should just be left to burn.

Palm Springs Unified tells KMIR that they have followed all regulations and do not need input from the bitchy neighbors to move forward.  A spokesman says they will meet with neighbors anyway – which will hopefully go like this


  1. Just discovered your blog. I love it. Your opinion about the neighborhood water nazis is one that I share.. Same for the solar panel crap. I really get agitated about the “public mural” fiasco too.
    I try not to add to the discourse much because I don’t want to add fuel to some of these insane diatribes that keep flaring up.