Home Local Palm Springs Guy Accidentally Shot by Palm Springs Police Settles for $125k

Guy Accidentally Shot by Palm Springs Police Settles for $125k

Guy Accidentally Shot by Palm Springs Police Settles for $125k
<a href="http://pixabay.com/users/beni195bb/">beni195bb</a> / Pixabay
beni195bb / Pixabay

A settlement has been reached between The City of Palm Springs and a guy who was accidentally shot in the leg by a cop while he was out walking his dog. The city will pay him $125,000.

Benjamin Meza, 51, was out walking his dog in the Warm Sands area of Palm Springs on January 9th, 2013. At the same time, three cops were in an altercation with burglary suspect Juan Villanueva Jr.

Officers attempted to arrest Villanueva, but were unsuccessful. He entered a vehicle and accelerated which knocked cops to the ground. The cops then fired at the vehicle while it sped away. One of those bullets would hit Meza in the leg.

Officials for the city claim that officers acted appropriately during this shooting even though the police department has a policy discouraging officers from shooting at moving vehicles.

(Source: Desert Sun)