Coachella Weekend 2 is in the books and, like clockwork, the local TV station is always there afterward to post the arrest scoreboard.
[adsanity id=13143 align=alignright /]Here are the numbers via KESQ:
- 20 arrests were made for drunk in public
- 53 arrests were related to illegal narcotics
- 51 of those arrest were for misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance
- 2 of those arrests were felony arrests for possession of a controlled substance for sales and booked into jail
- 57 arrests were made for alcohol violations
- 1 misdemeanor domestic violence arrest was made
- 1 resisting/obstructing an officer arrest was made
- 1 warrant arrest was made
A total of 133 people were arrested which, assuming attendance of 90,000, is (just like Weekend 1) a whopping .1% of festival goers.
The Snow Birds are right, the festival should end immediately.