Home Desert Life Here’s a complaint letter sent to Cactus Hugs by a local golfer

Here’s a complaint letter sent to Cactus Hugs by a local golfer

Here’s a complaint letter sent to Cactus Hugs by a local golfer

Earlier today, Cactus Hugs posted a pretty straightforward message for local golfers during the coronavirus pandemic.  As was expected, the ‘ol in box has seen a few complaint emails come in, one of which is posted unedited (although I am not posting the person’s name) and unedited or fact-checked, though I did add bold to two sections.

Casey, I recently read your article on why we golfers are being selfish to want to golf during this pandemic and wow was I underwhelmed.

You provide no evidence for why people should put down their clubs except for your perceived notions that golfers are being selfish for wanting to golf-oh the audacity of the golfing community!

Let me help you with some facts that might help you better understand why the decision by Dr. Kaiser was absurd, draconian and akin to martial Law.

There are 800,000 people who live in the coachella valley during the peak months- right now based on the most recent covid numbers your chances of contracting the virus is .0002%, your chance of dying from it is .00001% and of those people who get it 98% recover, yet based on these numbers the dictator Dr. Kaiser determines we can’t play golf-idiotic and overblown.

Now lets just gloss over the fact on the golf course social distancing is easy and I can’t think of a safer activity than golf and the natural social distancing it affords you when you play.

Have you for one second considered the financial impact of this stupid decision by Dr. Kaiser? I would say not because if you had you wouldn’t have written such a condescending article.

Consider the workers at a golf course, the guys in the bag room, the guys and girls who work in the restaurants inside those clubs, the cart girls, the vendors who sell to them?? Do you realize many of these people live paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to not work for 3 months!!!

You should print a redaction and apologize to all of us who had to read your article.


(Golfer’s name redacted)