Home Entertainment Movies Here’s every state’s favorite 80s movie

Here’s every state’s favorite 80s movie

Here’s every state’s favorite 80s movie

There are very few things better than cancelling your plans and just binging on 80s movies on a Sunday.  And when it comes to 80s flicks, Howtowatch.com decided to research and break down which flicks were preferred by Americas’s 50 states.

To determine each state’s favorite ‘80s movie, they checked out IMDb’s list of 1980s films and sorted them by popularity. The movies were then cross-referenced with Google searches on previous research to determine which movies were most popular in certain areas.

California, and the southwest, prefers Back to the Future while New Mexico is all about the Karate Kid, according to the survey.  The Goonies is popular in Oregon (makes sense), Scarface is big in Florida (also makes sense), and Ferris Bueller’s Day off is huge in Illinois (seriously though, this all makes sense).

You can check out the full list of the states below the map.

Alabama Ghostbusters
Alaska Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Arizona Back To The Future
Arkansas Batman
California Back To The Future
Colorado The Shining
Connecticut The Karate Kid
Delaware Batman
Florida Scarface
Georgia Coming to America
Hawaii Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Idaho The Princess Bride
Illinois Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Indiana Ghostbusters
Iowa Airplane!
Kansas Back To The Future
Kentucky Ghostbusters
Louisiana Coming to America
Maine Stand By Me
Maryland Coming to America
Massachusetts Airplane!
Michigan Back To The Future
Minnesota Airplane!
Mississippi Coming to America
Missouri Top Gun
Montana Die Hard
Nebraska Top Gun
Nevada Back To The Future
New Hampshire Aliens
New Jersey Back To The Future
New Mexico The Karate Kid
New York Once Upon A Time In America
North Carolina Top Gun
North Dakota Die Hard
Ohio Airplane!
Oklahoma The Outsiders
Oregon The Goonies
Pennsylvania Ghostbusters
Rhode Island E.T.
South Carolina Top Gun
South Dakota Full Metal Jacket
Tennessee Predator
Texas Scarface
Utah Back To The Future
Vermont Return Of The Jedi
Virginia Ghostbusters
Washington Blade Runner
West Virginia Ghostbusters
Wisconsin Airplane!
Wyoming Top Gun
DC The Breakfast Club