Home Entertainment Animals Hero Saves Kitten on Busy 10 Freeway in Ontario

Hero Saves Kitten on Busy 10 Freeway in Ontario

Hero Saves Kitten on Busy 10 Freeway in Ontario

Cat Freeway

Gotta give it to David Loop who risked his life to save a kitten on the 10 Freeway in Ontario this week.

Loop’s dashcam recorded the incident, where a kitten falls out of the car in front of him (!?!). He immediatly stopped his car (right there in the middle of the freeway!) and chased the kitten off of the highway (he said he tried to grab the little furry guy, but he bit him – as frightened kittens will do).

Loop told ABC 7 that earlier in the month, he rescued after finding it left for dead on the road after being hit by a car.

Watch the video here: