Home Desert Life Holidays Hey assholes: maybe don’t fire your guns in the air tonight?

Hey assholes: maybe don’t fire your guns in the air tonight?



New Year’s Eve has its share of traditions: the countdown, the New Year’s smooch, munching on some black-eyed peas, and popping some champagne to name a few. There is also that other tradition that is celebrated exclusively by assholes: firing guns in the air. Please, as we usher in 2016, don’t be one of these assholes.

Sure, The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department has issued a zero tolerance policy for doing it which means you could land you in jail – but, there is also a bigger issue at stake here: bullets that are fired randomly up into the air, at some point come back down…and that is when bad things, like dying, happen to innocent people.

So maybe grab some pots and pans instead, or better yet, make no noise at all and quietly reflect on the year that has gone by and all of the possibilities that lie ahead in the new year that are possible because you had the intelligence to not fire off a random bullet that killed someone and landed you in jail for the rest of your life.

And thanks in advance for not being an asshole.