Home News Hey young people, how can we convince you to vote?

Hey young people, how can we convince you to vote?

Hey young people, how can we convince you to vote?

It’s nearly voting time – thousands of ugly campaign signs (and one amazing one) probably tipped you off to that along with the non-stop TV attack ads (seriously though, why is there so much money in a county Sheriff’s race?). As Election Day nears, the old people are clearly excited to make their selections, but the younger crowd, not so much.

A recent poll shows that nearly 4 out 5 people over 65 plan to cast their vote this year, assuming they live that long (oooh, sick burn!).

Meanwhile, only about 1 in 4 people between 18 and 29 are certain they will vote:

So, young people, I have to ask: what can we do to get you to vote? I mean, they will mail a ballot to your house or condo or yurt or wherever you are living these days – so that could be an easy way to do it. Uber has announced that they will give you a free ride to your polling place this year, so you also have that going for you. But, is that enough? What else do you want?  Avocado toast??

Seriously though, Millennial memes aside, if the elders are the only ones that vote, politicians will only address issues that affect them and will neglect everyone else.  You want to change the country and make sure our leaders are taking care of your future, you are going to have to vote.  And it’s not just about Presidents, Governors, and Senators – hold your state and local elected officials accountable too. Lord knows the Coachella Valley could use a few people thinking about more than just how to please the retired and snow bird set.

Sure, voting can feel super boring and it often feels like your vote doesn’t matter – but, it does and probably now more than ever.  No matter your age, if you haven’t registered to vote in California yet, there’s still time – and it’s easy.  We have all the details on how to do that here.