Early August brought an end to the Hidden Cash era on Twitter. It was a fun phenomenon while it lasted: rich people hiding money, everyone else destroying parks to find it – but like everything, it was time to call it quits.
However, there was one person who did not get the message: whoever is behind the weird and lazy Coachella Valley version:
Good afternoon #CoachellaValley I am so excited to be back!!! I have been working my butt off all summer long to come back and #payitforward
— Hidden Cash CV (@HiddenCashCV) September 21, 2014
Of course, Twitter being Twitter, some jerk ruined it for everyone by responding with snark to an intrepid reporter’s alert.
@SamanthaCortese and only 2 months after the trend is over!
— Casey Dolan (@thecaseydolan) September 21, 2014
Hidden Cash CV saw the tweet and blamed it all on that damned heat!:
@thecaseydolan @SamanthaCortese the desert gets too hot to be out stashing cash here in the desert.
— Hidden Cash CV (@HiddenCashCV) September 21, 2014
Even going officially on the record!
For the record, there was no way I was going to do #HiddenCash during summer, too hot! Too humid! #CoachellaValley #HiddenCash #payitforward — Hidden Cash CV (@HiddenCashCV) September 21, 2014
Duly noted. But then, a bit of a realization may have occurred as they questioned the official Hidden Cash Twitter account:
@HiddenCash have you stopped the #hiddencash movement? — Hidden Cash CV (@HiddenCashCV) September 21, 2014
There was no response.
Could this spell the end of Coachella Valley Hidden Cash? If not, then at what temperature and humidity level will it finally be acceptable for cash hiding? Did I ruin everyone’s chance at free money with facts and snark?
We anxiously await these answers.
Casey, we are also happy to announce that the outdoor patio areas will be enjoying misting in the summer and heaters in the winter, provided by Advanced Misting Systems. 🙂