Getting gas is painful enough (hello $3.50 a gallon), but for Danny Froschauer a trip to the gas station ended with a black eye – all because a group of women thought the gas pump he was using belonged to them. NBC 4 Reports:
Froschauer said the women in another other car started yelling “we was going to go there, get your car out of there” after he had already pulled into the desired pump. Froschauer said he refused and that the women then began approaching his car and yelling.
Froschauer said that one of the women then went inside the gas station and put money on that pump.
“She came back out and said, ‘ha, now you can’t do anything, because I put money on that pump and we’re going to use that pump,’ and I said ‘no you’re not,'” Froschauer said.
“I thought she was going to come up to my face and argue some more and I’m just standing there, and she got right close to me, and then sucker punched me.”
Ouch! And it did not stop there, the women even confronted Froschauer’s great-grandson:
Froschauer’s great-grandson Dakota said that one woman who was pregnant even threatened him.
‘I said leave my grandpa alone,” Dakota said. “She said, ‘shut up little kid, I don’t care if you’re little or not, I will still push you.'”
Authorities confirmed to NBC 4 that two women were arrested on suspicion of strong arm robbery and taken to jail. A third woman was not arrested because she is pregnant, but officials said she would be charged at a later time.
And Dakota has some great advice to anyone who might experience pump-rage in the future:
“Don’t be so violent over like a gas pump. It’s really just a gas pump and there’s other places you could have gone or waited for,” the great-grandson said. “Because we didn’t pretty much didn’t see you pulling and we got there first and you didn’t have to be violent.”
Truer words have never been spoken.