Home Desert Life How’s the new Palm Springs Starbucks Reserve? I’ll let you know when the line isn’t crazy long.

How’s the new Palm Springs Starbucks Reserve? I’ll let you know when the line isn’t crazy long.

How’s the new Palm Springs Starbucks Reserve?  I’ll let you know when the line isn’t crazy long.

I went to the new Starbucks Reserve in downtown Palm Springs today. The line was out the freakin’ door.  

Seriously though.  LOOK AT THAT LINE!!

It does look nice.  I have a policy to never (well, almost to never) wait in huge lines so I left.  I figure, like everything else in this town, I’ll go back in two days when all the gotta-have-it-firsters get it out of the way.

Here are some photos of the place…

Kind of cool looking and they have ice cream.

Staff seems friendly despite the huge crowd.

Yeah, I mean, it all seems pretty nice.

But yeah, I just don’t do lines.  So I went and had some Upper Crust Pizza instead.  It was great.

Did you wait in line to try the new Starbucks? What did you think?