Home News National Idiot Politician Mistakes YMCA Bus for Bus of Undocumented Immigrants

Idiot Politician Mistakes YMCA Bus for Bus of Undocumented Immigrants


I have no doubt that you have been hearing a lot of opinions about immigration and the border recently. With this important issue, no matter what side your personal politics are, one thing is for certain: most people are pretty ill-informed about the whole situation. Don’t believe me, just have a look at your Facebook news feed.

I wanted to salute one man in particular, Arizona Republican legislator and congressional candidate Adam Kwasman, who thought he saw fearful border children inside a school bus. Being a politician, he thought it would be a good opportunity to make a public spectacle. Just one problem: turns out they were local kids going to YMCA camp.

Lucky for all of us, the whole thing was caught on tape:

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