Home Desert Life Holidays IMPORTANT QUESTION: What’s the plan for the 4th of July?

IMPORTANT QUESTION: What’s the plan for the 4th of July?


The Important Question is a recurring thing we do on Fridays here at Cactus Hugs to get input on food, places, and things in the Coachella Valley from the people who know it best: you!

The 4th of July is a weird holiday in the desert. While elsewhere in the country, every place is packed and people are outside enjoying the summer, we full-time desert rats tend to spend most of the day holed up in our caves running the A/C before dashing off to sweat a bit at the park in order to watch some fireworks (unless you watched them already in Indio on the 3rd) with the locals and the visitors who waited for hotel room rates to crater because it’s a million degrees outside.

As a bonus, this year is even weirder, as the holiday falls on a Tuesday – making getaway plans odder than they should be (if you were planning on heading to the beach or wherever) and forcing many to take 8 hours PTO on Monday, which should just really be a paid day off too…you know, for America!

So what’s your plan this year? Fireworks? If so, which one and where is the best spot to watch?  If not, what else is going on? Is there something else going on we should know about? Let’s discuss in the comments.