Home Local Indian Wells Indian Wells puts CV Link on ballot

Indian Wells puts CV Link on ballot

Indian Wells puts CV Link on ballot

CV Link

Just weeks after Rancho Mirage overwhelmingly voted against having CV Link run through the city, another Coachella Valley town is putting the path on the ballot.

The Indian Wells City Council voted 4 to 1 in favor of putting $100 million project on the November ballot, reports KESQ.

The following will appear on the ballot (via Desert Sun):

Shall Section 2.08.180 be added to the Indian Wells Municipal Code to prohibit the City Council from taking any action to approve the establishment, development or installation of all or any part of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments”‘CV Link” Project within the City, unless approved by a majority of city voters?”

“We have had a number of comments from residents asking for a voice in this matter. … I think we owe it to our voting public to let them speak out,” Councilman Ted Mertens said.

“This is not about whether the CV Link is good or bad. This is simply about, should the voters have an opportunity to have their say to the impacts to their community,” he said.