Home News An Indio gas station is selling $1.99 gas Monday to protest the gas tax

An Indio gas station is selling $1.99 gas Monday to protest the gas tax

An Indio gas station is selling $1.99 gas Monday to protest the gas tax
(Google Maps)

No matter how you feel about California’s new gas tax, if you are near the Arco on Jefferson St. between 1 and 4 pm on Monday, you may want to drop by for some cheap gas.

Kimerlin Brown Pelzer, a soap star turned Republican candidate for Congress who totally lives in the desert, announced that the station will be selling $1.99 gas (the cheapest gas in the Coachella Valley right now is $2.79 – so $.80 off per gallon) and asking for motorists to sign a petition to repeal California’s gas tax, which was raised from 29 cents to 41 cents per gallon in November.

Revenues from the tax are expected to bring in $5.2 billion annually to repair California’s crumbling roads and bridges, expand bike lanes, improve mass transit, expand and reduce traffic congestion. The state has a backlog of $130 billion in repair and replacement projects for its transportation system, notes the LA Times.

You can also sign the petition at other Arco’s around town owned by Nachhattar Chandi (who can probably afford to take a bit of a loss on gas for a few hours), but only the Jefferson location will have the lower-priced gas – and only from 1 to 4 because, clearly, they didn’t think about you and your 8 to 5 job ????.