Home Desert Life Palm Desert Infamous 84-Year-old Jewel Thief Has Struck Again!

Infamous 84-Year-old Jewel Thief Has Struck Again!

Infamous 84-Year-old Jewel Thief Has Struck Again!

doris payne

It seems as if notorious 84-year-old jewel thief Doris Payne has struck, yet again.

Payne is believed to have stolen a $33,000 engagement ring on July 11th from the David Yurman store inside the SouthPark mall in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department sent an email to local stores warning of Payne – saying that she used a “sleight of hand tactic” to nab the expensive ring. The email states, “Basically, she will have employees pull jewelry out of a display case. Once the employee is distracted, she quickly conceals them. She is very good. She fooled the manager at David Yurman.”

Police say that Payne may have been using the alias Amy Dillard.  She was spotted first by a Tiffany & Co. employee who attempted to warn workers at the nearby David Yurman store – but it was too late, reports People.

According to the police report, the ring Payne allegedly stole contains multiple small diamonds in a halo and a platinum band that goes over the ring in a crossover fashion.

Payne was sentenced to four years for stealing a 3.5-carat, $22,500 ring from El Paseo Jewelers in Palm Desert in 2013.   She was released only only three months into her sentence due to prison overcrowding.

It is believed that Payne has stolen up to $2 million in jewels over the past 60 years

(H/T Jezebel)