Before heading off to Lowe’s and the grocery store Sunday with the wife (it was a big day!), we decided to stop and have some lunch at a local restaurant. It was hot af outside and I have been trying to lay off the fries as a side lately, so I ordered a house salad with my entree and, man, was it a doozy.
I mean, just look at it!
This bad boy set me back $3.99 and, obviously, it was worth every damn penny.
Doesnt look that good to me
It looks awful!
Do tell! Which restaurant was it? Since you were going to Lowe’s, my guess is Goody’s Cafe.
Didn’t want to call out the place because that would seem like I am dragging it, which isn’t the point. The rest of the food was god, but the “salad” was hilarious.
I love a mystery! Looks like the plates they use at Goody’s, but according to a menu I found online, their small dinner salad is only $2.50. Maybe you got overcharged.