Look. I get it. Jack in the Box tacos are not, what’s the word I am looking for, real food. They are a combination of some sort of meat (beef, maybe?), slices of cheese(!), and lettuce all served up in a deep fried corn container. The Wall Street Journal took some time out this week to talk shit about the tacos in a piece titled, “Americans Eat 554 Million Jack in the Box Tacos a Year, and No One Knows Why” – well guess what? I know why. It’s because they are the best drunk food ever!
And it is not just me that knows that Jack in the Box tacos are the best when you’re buzzed, it appears everyone not working at the Wall Street Journal knows this:
If you didn't get jack in the box tacos were you even drunk
— Andy (@__6789998212___) December 21, 2016
Clearly this editor has never been drunk at 2am. https://t.co/6SAhEaZB9s
— David Martinez (@HeyDmart) January 3, 2017
Because it’s true: Jack in the Box tacos are amazing after a few beers.
In fact, there might not be anything better than a Jack in the Box taco when you’re drunk. Wait, there is:
There's no better drunk food than jack in the box tacos and ranch you can't fight me on it
— isabella (@boootythug) January 4, 2017
Ahh yes, dunk those bastards in creamy ranch dip and let it all soak up that beer and whiskey in your stomach, it’s what a doctor would prescribe…if doctors prescribed fast food to boozed up people at 3 am.
I highly doubt there is a better drunk fast food item available nationwide than Jack in the Box tacos – but, if you have a better choice, tell us about it in the comments below.
Related: You can now buy a fast food dip holder for your car