Home News Jeff Sessions to implement insanely dumb marijuana policy

Jeff Sessions to implement insanely dumb marijuana policy

Jeff Sessions to implement insanely dumb marijuana policy

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the angriest elf, will soon rescind a policy instituted during the Obama-era that allowed legalized marijuana in states that allowed it without any federal government intervention, according to the AP.

The move by President Donald Trump’s attorney general likely will add to confusion about whether it’s OK to grow, buy or use marijuana in states where pot is legal, since long-standing federal law prohibits it. It comes days after pot shops opened in California, launching what is expected to become the world’s largest market for legal recreational marijuana and as polls show a solid majority of Americans believe the drug should be legal.

While Sessions has been carrying out a Justice Department agenda that follows Trump’s top priorities on such issues as immigration and opioids, the changes to pot policy reflect his own concerns. Trump’s personal views on marijuana remain largely unknown.

Naturally, no one was very happy about this, including a Republican Senator from Colorado:

And, well, just about everyone else too…