Home Events Film Festival Joaquin Phoenix used his Golden Globe speech to ask his fellow celebs to stop taking private jets to the Palm Springs Film Fest

Joaquin Phoenix used his Golden Globe speech to ask his fellow celebs to stop taking private jets to the Palm Springs Film Fest

Joaquin Phoenix used his Golden Globe speech to ask his fellow celebs to stop taking private jets to the Palm Springs Film Fest

Joaquin Phoenix is already having a pretty busy awards season. This week, he was honored at the Palm Springs Film Festival and, just a couple days later, he won the best actor award at the Golden Globes for his role as The Joker – where he used his acceptance speech to ask other celebrities in the audience to do a little better in taking care of the world by maybe not flying their private jets to and from the Coachella Valley from now on.

A clip of the Palm Springs mention in his speech is below and followed the actor bringing up the terrible destruction from the fires that are currently raging in Australia.


No word on which celebs he might have been referring to that may have flown their private jet in to rub elbows with the 1% of the desert at the Palm Springs Rich People Prom before immediately flying that private jet back out – but, who knows, maybe the speech inspired them to drive in on the 10 Freeway from now on like everybody else.


Here’s the full speech for those who may have missed it…