Home Entertainment Television John Oliver on How Municipal Fines and Tickets Can Ruin Lives

John Oliver on How Municipal Fines and Tickets Can Ruin Lives


John Oliver on how municipal violations can ruin lives and target the poor

Everybody can mess up – and when you do, you have to pay the consequences. But, as John Oliver and ‘Last Week Tonight’ explain, those consequences can far outweigh the crime.

Watch as Oliver demonstrates what happens to those in America who do not have the money to pay a $41 parking ticket – with that person ending up in an awful cycle where they end up paying endless amounts of fines and wind up in a hole they can never climb out of – and all so cities can raise money without raising taxes.

Oliver states: “Not only should municipalities not be balancing their books on the backs of their most vulnerable citizens, but we cannot have a system where committing a minor violation can end up putting you in — and I’m going to use a legal term of art, here — the f*ck barrel.”