Home Desert Life Local Media KESQ Reporter Scares Parents Waiting to Pick Up Kids

KESQ Reporter Scares Parents Waiting to Pick Up Kids

KESQ Measles Story Palm Desert
(screengrab KESQ)

Monday, reports surfaced that a student at Palm Desert High School may have come down with measles. And while the school district tried to keep students and parents calm and informed with a detailed letter , KESQ decided to take a different approach: rush to the school to scare parents who had not yet seen the letter.

“All of the parents I talked to who were waiting to pick up their kids at Palm Desert High School were shocked to hear about the potential measles case,” proclaims reporter Joe Galli (and maybe his selfie stick).  Seeing as how the letter was given to students to take home their parents and the parents had yet to actually pick up their kids yet – then yes, I can see how parents were shocked to hear the news from some guy roaming the school parking lot with a tie and a “live pad”.

Joe then goes on to find time to promote the station’s mobile app – yes, self promotion even during a measles story (note: the woman’s phone does not appear to be showing the actual KESQ mobile app).

News of the potential measles case did lead one mother interviewed while waiting for her son to use her iPhone to Google it and, well…let’s just hope he got those two doses:

Update: The student does not have measles and has been cleared by health officials. No word if KESQ will send a reporter out to surprise people with the news.