Home Desert Life Local Media KESQ Reporter’s “Experiment” Does Not Go As Planned

KESQ Reporter’s “Experiment” Does Not Go As Planned


The brilliant minds at KESQ have sent intrepid “Live Pad” Reporter Natalie Brunell on a mission (that has never been attempted) as a publicity stunt an experiment regarding online privacy.  The important lesson learned: do not hold up a sign on the internet!

First, the original post:

[facebook url=”https://www.facebook.com/nataliebrunelltv/posts/876001102467713:0″]

And while the post has received plenty of shares, along with plenty of criticism, it has also allowed photoshoppers to add their own twist to the story:


Live Pad

K Long


Have a sign idea of your own, use the blank sign below – then post in the comments.

Blacnk Sign