Home News Kimberlin Brown Pelzer interrupts lunch for a chant

Kimberlin Brown Pelzer interrupts lunch for a chant

Kimberlin Brown Pelzer interrupts lunch for a chant

Republican congressional candidate, and locals-local, Kimberlin Brown Belzer has a last minute message to remind you to get out and vote, which is good, since you should do just that tomorrow. And, to help inspire you, Brown Pelzer took to Twitter to post a video of her leading the opposite of a diverse room full of people in a “vote” chant for a few seconds, interrupting what appears to be the type of luncheon you don’t usually attend because it’s a Monday and you work and have a life and stuff.

A reminder, you can find your polling place to vote in the midterm election here.


  1. Kimberlin Brown Pelzer is a fraud. She recently rented an apartment in Palm Springs so she could run for Congress in our district. She doesn’t live here. In her district Duncan Hunter, who has been indicted for multiple felonies, is already running. Even though it is likely that he may end up in prison GOP base is still supporting him. Pelzer and Hunter are both using racism and Trump’s white nationalist rhetoric to appeal to the worst instincts of the GOP base. White nationalism is alive and expanding and these two are promoting that disgusting ideology to win your vote.