Home Desert Life Local Media KMIR’s ‘Try My Nuts’ story as told in 8 GIFs

KMIR’s ‘Try My Nuts’ story as told in 8 GIFs

KMIR’s ‘Try My Nuts’ story as told in 8 GIFs

In its latest stunt for sweeps month, KMIR aired a segment about a store called Try My Nuts which has been open on El Paseo in Palm Desert for over a year and is totally legal and within the city’s code requirements. The segment was, as expected, totally absurd.

You can watch the segment below.  But, really, these 8 GIFs tell the whole story:

The Opening (and that reaction!)

A Palm Desert resident has a complaint (if you can believe that!)

Clever thumb placement

This woman can’t believe it is a real story

Yet another clever thumb placement!

He is really angry!

Maybe it is too late to make America Great again?

The end (and another fantastic reaction!)

Here’s the story:

KMIR News | Palm Springs, California