Home Desert Life La Quinta La Quinta has plans to build an “extreme park” for skateboarders and BMXers

La Quinta has plans to build an “extreme park” for skateboarders and BMXers



La Quinta Mayor Linda Evans is profiled in a piece for the Desert Sun in which she offered up a bit of a surprise: a local city might actually build something, a) for people under 70 and, b) that sounds pretty cool.

In the article (which is worth the read just for the Saxony / CV Wind-Up stuff), Evans said the city has plans to build an “Extreme Park”. The “X-Park” would be state of the art and offer facilities for skateboarders, BMXers, and more. The park would be built across from La Quinta High School.

“It’s another attraction that would encourage families to live in La Quinta while also offering a place for group activities and skate competitions,” Evans told the newspaper.

The city is looking to get the park funded by a corporate sponsor so, if you happen to know anyone in the Mountain Dew or Red Bull marketing departments, maybe give them a call?

If no sponsor is found, the park would still be an option – but would, “be based on funds available and where it fits on the list of priorities”, reports the Desert Sun.

So yeah, seriously, start making those calls – anyone know someone at Goldenvoice?