Home Entertainment Animals Let’s All Adopt This Kitten Rescued From an Indio Drain Pipe

Let’s All Adopt This Kitten Rescued From an Indio Drain Pipe

Let’s All Adopt This Kitten Rescued From an Indio Drain Pipe

kitten rescue

This adorable 7-week-old kitten is in good hands after being rescued from a drainpipe in Indio on Monday.

When an employee at a nearby business picked up a box near a dumpster, 3 cats scampered out from under it. 2 got away, but one ran into a drain pipe and got stuck.
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The employee called animal control, whose officer tried to pull the kitten out from the pipe, but was unsuccessful. Luckily, new local hero (and carpet store owner) Sal Flores, was able to reach in and get the wet, terrified cat.

The adorable little guy is now with Coachella Valley Animal Campus who have nicknamed him “Genie”. He will be put up for adoption in a few weeks and we will all be there to adopt him.kitten rescue 3