Home Desert Life Let’s Make FootGolf a Thing in The Coachella Valley

Let’s Make FootGolf a Thing in The Coachella Valley


KMIR News | Palm Springs, California

Traditional golf a bit too expensive, boring, or difficult for you? Maybe you should consider FootGolf!

Taking the rules (and the course) of golf and replacing those tiny balls & golf clubs with a soccer ball and your feet – FootGolf is something that needs to be a thing in The Coachella Valley.

The game is played with a regulation #5 soccer ball at a golf course facility on shortened holes with 21-inch diameter cups that can then be covered so boring traditional golfers can play the course too.

FootGolf is taking off across the nation (and can now be played at Shadow Mountain Resort in Palm Desert every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for $10-$14 (be sure to bring your own ball and to dress like an asshole in traditional golf attire).

Local organizers fear when the snowbirds return, the course may give less time to FootGolfers – unless of course enough people take up the sport and the money starts rolling in.

So let’s get out there and make FootGolf a thing Coachella Valley!

Should you head out, this video will help get you acquainted with the rules: