Home Events Date Festival If you like donuts, caramel, and whiskey, the Date Fest has something special for you

If you like donuts, caramel, and whiskey, the Date Fest has something special for you

If you like donuts, caramel, and whiskey, the Date Fest has something special for you
(Casey Dolan)

The Riverside County Date Festival is underway giving you a chance to toss that diet aside to enjoy deep fried Oreos, cinnamon buns, and funnel cake. Oh yeah, there is also this thing on the left…

A Fireball Whiskey Caramel Banana Donut is available at the Date Festival
(Casey Dolan)

Yes, you read that correctly. Available at the Date Fest is a giant donut that is:

  • covered in caramel
  • topped with bananas
  • infused with Fireball Whiskey

If you are planning on trying one, you may want to wear your favorite pair of elastic waist pants and have a friend ready to call the paramedics, just in case.

For more coverage of the Date Festival, click here.